B.K SHARMA

 Seating arrangement is lengthy topic of reasoning but it is very scoring.All you need is to clear your concepts and practice more.So here we are providing you complete theory as well questions hope these notes are helpful for you all.
Seating arrangement include
Circular arrangement
Persons sitting in a square
Persons  facing north
Persons  facing south
Persons facing north/south in a line
Persons  facing east
Persons  facing west
Persons facing north/south

Seating arrangement needs practice one should solve atleast 5-10 question in a day to solve these type of problem.First start solving it then try to solve it faster because speed matters the most in banking exam.Seating arrangement can be tough ie it can include circular arrangement and blood relation or can be easy with only circular or any of the above mentioned.For solving these type of question you must read question properly and try to solve questions with  exact and related information. All matters is speed and accuracy for scoring more.So we will try to explain everything in this section but if you have any query you can comment below we will try to solve it and your suggestions are always welcomed.

            CIRCULAR ARRANGEMENT                                       

In Circular arrangement persons are sitting around a circle they can be in any numbers such as 8 or 9 or 6 etc according to the question you need to arrange persons in their places in a circle.Circular arrangement can be combined with blood relation so study that chapter too so that you can solve it eaisly.Circular arrangement questions can be in mamy forms such as circular+profession is given or any choice of person is given such as color, car etc.
For circular arrangement two point need to be remembered

Person facing towards the center
        If person is facing toward the center then:

Person facing outside the center

If a person facing outside the center then

Let us try to solve it using question

QA.Bunty, Dev, Manav, Kavya, Payal, Qasturba, Wasir and Himmat are sitting around a circle facing at the centre. Manav is to the immediate right of Bunty who is  4th to the right of Kavya. Payal is 2nd to the left  of Bunty and is  4th to the right of Wasir. Qasturba is 2nd to the right of Dev who is 2nd to the right of Himmat.

Q1. Who is 3rd to the right of Bunty?
               a) Wasir                                 b) Manav                             c) Kavya
               d) Himmat                            e) None of these

Q2. Which of the following represents the immediate neighbours of D?
              a) Payal and Qasturba              b) Kavya and Himmat          c) Payal and Himmat
              d) Kavya and Qasturba             e) Payal and Kavya

Q3.  Who is 3rd to the right of Wasir?
               a) Payal                                   b) Dev                                   c) Kavya
               d) Qasturba                              e) Data inadequate

Solution: First make 8 marks around a circle as we know eight person are mentioned in the question.Now read question and following the question solve it as fast as you can.If you are not able to solve or any query just comment below as Q.A circular arrangement we will try to solve your query.


Ans 3-B

                                                PREPARED BY PARUL GUPTA 

Q.B Six persons A B C D E F are sitting around a table facing towards the center.They buyed different car Alto, Maruti, Scorpio, WangonR, i10, Duster.They are travelling to different cities Bhopal, Gwalior, Banglore, Nagpur, Mumbai, Puri the car as well as cities are not necessarily according to the order of their names.

The persons who have buyed alto, scorpio, i10 are neither travelling to Bhopal nor in        gwalior.The persons who are travelling to Banglore and mumbai have neither buyed alto nor Scorpio.

A is neither travelling to Bhopal nor immediate left of the person who buyed WangonR.

The only person who is between E and F travel to Maruti. The person who is on the left side of the person travelled to Bhopal does not buyed duster.

D has buyed WangonR and he travelled to Banglore. He is facing the person who buyed maruti.

One who buyed alto is seated opposite to the person who travelled to puri,while the person who travelled to banglore is on the left of the person who buyed i10.

One who buyed duster is on immediate right of the person who travelled to bhopal but on immediate left of the person who buyed scorpio.

C has not buyed scorpio while F has not buyed alto.

Q.1 Who among the following is travelling to bhopal?
a)A   b)B  c)C  d)E

Q.2  The only person,who is between E and D,is travelling to
a)Nagpur  b)Puri  c)Gwalior  d)Mumbai

Q.3 Who among the following has buyed i10?
a)A  b)B  c)C  d)E



Person sitting around a square include person sitting diagonally as well as persons sitting in a center.Persons can be facing outside or towards the center.These type of question include either all person is facing outside / toward center or person sitting diagonally facing center and person sitting between face outside center vice verse.

Person facing towards the center

        If person is facing toward the center then:


Person facing outside the center
If a person facing outside the center then


                                                  PREPARED BY PARUL GUPTA 

Normally persons in these question are eight it can differ in numbers.

Q.C.   K, L, M, P, Q, R, S and T are sitting around a square table in  such a way that four of them sit at four corners of the square while four sit in the middle of each of the four sides. The one who sit at the four corners faces outside while those who sit in the middle of the sides face the centre of the table. P sits third to the right of S. S faces the centre. Q sits third to the left of M who does not sit in the middle of the sides. Only one person sits between Q and R. R is not an immediate neighbor of M. T faces the centre. K is not an immediate neighbour of R.

1). What is the position of M with respect to L?
a)Third to the right
b)M and L sit diagonally opposite to each other
c)Second to the right
d)Second to the left
e)Fifth to the right

2). Who sits exactly between Q and R?
e)S and K

3). Which of the following pairs represents the persons seated in the centre of the side. Who face each other?
a)S, Q
b)K, L
c)M, P
d)R, T
e)T, Q


                      PERSONS FACING NORTH

In these type of question persons facing north in a line it can be any no they sit in a line facing north.These type of question are easy to solve.Lets get started with concepts and questions.

Direction are shown above for persons facing north.Now directly come to oue question in these type of questions there is not much theory all you need is to remember direction.

                                              PREPARED BY PARUL GUPTA 

Q.D.Six friends P, Q, R, S, T, U are sitting in a row facing north.R is sitting between P and T. S is not at the end.Q is sitting immediate right to T. U is not at the right end.

Q1.Who is on the extreme right end?

a)Q   b)T  c)U  d)P

Q2. How many person sits between U and R?
a)One  b)two  c)three  d)four

Q3. Who is immediate right of P?

a) U  b)R  c)T  d)Q

Ans1. a
Ans2. b
Ans3. b


                        PERSONS FACING SOUTH

Question on Persons facing south is same as that of North but there is change  in direction.For direction of person facing south it is just opposite of that of north.

Question on this will be same as that of noth but seating of person is different for example if it is given that A sits right of B then
In person facing NORTH


In Person facing SOUTH

Q.E  Four person A B C D are sitting facing south direction.A sits immediate right of B.B is between A and C.A is at one extreme end and B does not sit at the end.

Q1. Which pair sits at extreme ends?

a) A and D  b)  B and C  c)C and D

Q2. Who among is second right  of D?

a)A  b)C  c)B d)D

Ans1. a      
Ans2. c 

                                             PREPARED BY PARUL GUPTA 


This type of question is lengthy in this some person is facing south some are facing north study your question carefully and try to solve it.

Q.F. Eight persons - H, I, J, K, L, M, N and O -  are standing in a straight line at equidistant. Some of them are facing north while others are facing south. 
M is standing third to the right to H. M is standing at one of the extreme ends. L is standing third to the left of H. The immediate neighbours of J face north. N is not an immediate neighbour of H. 
The persons standing at the extreme ends face the same direction (both are facing either North or South). The immediate neighbours of H face just opposite direction as that of M. The immediate neighbours of O face opposite direction with respect to each other. 
One of the immediate neighbour of L is K who is facing north. I is standing between J and M. Not more than four persons are facing north.

Q1. Who among the following is third to the left of N?

(1) K
(2) J
(3) H
(4) I
(5) O

Q2. The immediate neighbours of L are:

(1) M and N
(2) N and O
(3) K and N
(4) N and H
(5) J and H

Q3. How many persons are standing exactly between I and O?

(1) Three
(2) Four
(3) One
(4) Two
(5) None

Ans1.  2 
Ans2. 3
Ans3. 4

                                              PREPARED BY PARUL GUPTA  

                    PERSONS FACING EAST IN A LINE

Question on Persons facing east is same as that facing on north. Only direction are different from that of north.


Question on Persons facing west is same as that facing on north. Only direction are different from that of north.


Questions of person facing north south have two line in which person one line person facing north and other facing south.No of persons on both line are same.All you have to study question carefully and try to solve it efficiently.Direction in these type of questions os shown below

                                               PREPARED BY PARUL GUPTA 

Question G:    Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows containing six people each such that they are equidistant from each other.
In row 1: P, Q, R, S, T and V are seated and all of them are facing South.
In row 2: A, B, C, D, E and F are seated and all of them are facing North. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement, each member seated in a row faces another member of the row.
S sits third to the right of Q, either S or Q sits at an extreme end of the line. The one who faces Q sits second to the right of E. Two people sit between B and F, neither B nor F sits at extreme end of the line. The immediate neighbour of B faces the person who sits third to the left of P. R and T are immediate neighbours. C sits second to the left of A. T does not face the immediate neighbour of D.

Q1. Who amongst the following sit at the extreme ends of the rows?

(a) S, D
(b) Q A
(c) V, C
(d) P, D
(e) Q F

Q2. Who amongst the following faces S?

(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
(e) F

Q3. How many persons are seated between V and R?

(a) one
(b) two
(c) three
(d) four
(e) None of these

Q4. P is related to A in the same way as S is related to B based on the given arrangement. Which of the following is T related to, following the same pattern?

(a) C
(b) D
(c) E
(d) F
(e) Cannot be determined

Q5. Which of the following is true regarding T?

(a) F faces T
(b) V is an immediate neighbor of T
(c) F faces the one who is second to the right of T
(d) T sits at one of the extreme ends of the line.
(e) Q sits second to the right of T

Q6. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?

(a) A-T
(b) B-T
(c) F-P
(d) C-V
(e) E-Q




                                  BALKRISHNA SHARMA PO IN VIJAYA BANK


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